Posted by: charlestontelles | August 10, 2012

Enterprise 2.0 in action (In my life)

Enterprise 2.0 in action since 1996

Reading the Wikinomics blog ( and exploring the new business model presented (Peering; Being Open; Sharing; Acting Global) where the collaboration is the key, all those concepts make perfect sense to me. And there is no doubt the wikipedia creators explored those concepts in a fantastic way.

However, the business model presented forced my mind back to early 90’s, I know must readers are not IT related people, but as you known I am IT centric, and my life experience is surrounded by IT. Moreover, I am pretty sure any non IT people know what the brand Microsoft means. Also, if you lived in 90’s, you know what the name Bill Gates means and you know what the IT market dominance from Microsoft means. Now, let’s have a look in some stats about Microsoft: 




  Microsoft Others Microsoft Others
Web browser 90% (I.E.) 10% 25% 75%
Web Server 80% (IIS) 20% 30% 70%
Database 65% (MSSQL) 35% 30% 70%
Development Languages 60% (Visual Basic) 40% 45% (.Net) 65%

(source:, the values are approximately)

As I said, I am not going to explore the Microsoft’s market drop; I just want to use this as an Enterprise 2.0 in action example, and that happened back in the 90’s. I remember very clearly some Microsoft competitors like linux based companies (e.g. Red Hat, Suse, Slackware), or Database competitor such as MySQL, or companies like SUN (has been bough by Oracle in 2006), all of them talking about the concept of OpenSource (suggest reading for basic concept:, very good reading:

 In my opinion the Open Source ideology fits perfectly in the new business model presented:


An open source software component or system can get contributions from graduate students, consultants and experienced developers at the same time.

 Being Open:

Nothing can more open than the Open-Source Paradigm.


Open source is called Architecture of Participation. The code by itself owns to the community. And the community shares the intellectual participation.

 Acting Global:

To give an example the linux compilation Slackware receives collaboration from developers living in 23 different countries.

The tools that enabled that Open Source style are the used today for code repository and code sharing (e.g. SVN, CVS, Git, Microsoft VSS, etc).

Can we consider code repository and Open-source approach as Enterprise 2.0?


Enterprise 2.0 in action today

 Wiki style

 As a software developer there are 3 sets of information produced all the time by my team. And they are vital for our day-by-day activities:

1)      Environment configuration information (which tools do I will to install and start developing, for example: eclipse, soap-ui, database client, etc)

2)      Environment information (Development, Test, UAT and Production environment). Information like server name, user credential, urls, etc

3)      Release plan and release information (date, time, status, components)

 These 3 set of information are produced in collaboration by different team members, also the information is very dynamic, they change all the time.

Needless to say, a wiki style tool fits perfectly for that scenario. In my last three consulting companies we have been using a wiki style tool for those sets of information because we need: collaboration from the team to produce the info, easily changed style, centralized.  So, WIKI as my first Enterprise 2.0 tool in action currently.

Professional Social Media (

Working for a consultant company, I have been all the time to update my CV. And I remember the nightmare to keep my CV’s up to date in a centralized repository some years ago.

Thanks for the professional Social Media ( as tool to keep your CV centralized, also we can enjoy all the beauty of a social media, like finding your previous work-mates, keep tracking about your previous companies web sites, receiving recommendations, etc.

My current company is using linkein as a official tool, and when a new potential client ask for a consultant portfolio, our company sends out our linkein URL. Isn’t that fantastic?


  1. We also use Wiki in our organisation to capture policies, processes and project information. It acts as a one-stop-shop for our information needs. I find the full-text search functionality very useful.
    As for project management use, we keep the information in the wiki up-to-date. This saved the team and stakeholders a lot of time rather than having to go through email trails. 🙂

    • Hi Karen
      I agree, wiki is really a fantastic tool to keep info during project management up to date. Another advantage comparing with email trails, is that the information does not remains only in the email boxes for the team members, the information will be there for future reference, that way the knowledge is shared cross projects.

      • Hi Charleston, I like the example you’ve used: open source patterns show the benefits of enterprise 2.0 principles. As an aid hater of email overload I’m curious, Do you think the wiki has reduced the amount of email you receive?

      • Hi Amanda. Unfortunally, it’s hard to change everyone’s mind in our team to use always wiki rathen than email. So, we still see some emails flowing around. But, what I tend to do is send the wiki URL pointing to the topic rather than answering the question, that way we can “force” other people to use the E2.0 tool (e.g. wiki)

  2. Hi Charles
    I will try to answer the following question:
    Can we consider code repository and Open-source approach as Enterprise 2.0?
    I would say Yes based on the fact that it is a collaborative method of developing software by freely sharing programming code .the words ‘sharing’,free’ and collapration are like pillars of any Social media apps.
    My week2 post is up for your comments

    • Hi Abdul
      That’s exactly my though. Conceptually the Open-source approach used by software community has been using the new Paradigm, since a long time. Therefore, I would say that the Software community has detected the benefits of knowledge sharing and open community much early than the Enterprise 2.0 paradigm. So, the new paradigm is not so “new”, at least for the software community.

  3. Hey Charles, I really like the wiki idea. It is easy to use and easy to access. Everyone can just go to wiki and get to see the same information. They can correct the information instantly if there are anything wrong. It also give people opportunity to have a discussion over any topic in wiki.

    ps. I recommend you to prove read your post or using some tool to do it. I don’t think my English is that good but I could spot some of your typos.


    Prapat W.

    • Hi Prapat.
      Thanks for collaborating again. You are right, I better apply a prove read to avoid basic typos.
      Thankfuly I can edit previous posts and correct some mistakes 🙂

  4. Hi Charleston!
    Good examples you got there. I believe most IT organisations use the wiki style model that you wrote about. ..and yes, what should we have done without LinkedIn? It’s such great web 2.0 tool in order to connect with other professionals and keep the CV up to date at all time! Cheers

    • Hi Fredrik
      Thanks for your comment. I’ve added your blog to my “follow list”.
      Keep posting,

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